mr. cupido
Let me introduce to you, ladies and gentlemen….
-Roman god of love
-cupid is latin for "desire" {cupido}
-son of Venus (goddess of love and beauty) & Mercury
-companion to Venus
-Cupid's brother was Anteros (the revenger of slighted love; also, the symbol of requited love/ - reciprocal affection)
-Cupid and Psyche (Greek word for "butterfly"; English word for "soul")
To the Romans Cupid was an innocent (a child), though sometimes mischievous and a "naughty boy". While the ancient Greeks believe he is the God Eros who was an older and more terrible god. Among the Greeks, not only Hermaphrodite but Eros too was in sex both male and female.Eros was no interfering child to the Greeks, but a powerful god to be feared and to entreat: his/her arrows burned with the fire of lust and madness as well as romance, at its worst capable of driving men and women to betrayal of their families or countries, to rape, to murder, to suicide... (There is the dark side of cupid, can't you see)
Later poets, writing of Cupid, remembered this more ancient interpretation:
"Evil is his heart, but honey-sweet his tongue.
No truth in him, the rogue. He is cruel in his play.
Small are his hands, yet his arrows fly far as death.
Tiny his shaft, but it carries heaven-high.
Touch not his treacherous gifts, they are dipped in fire."
Another good one from plato:
"Love - Eros - makes his home in men's hearts,
but not in every heart, for where there is hardness he departs. ...
he cannot do wrong...For all men serve him of their own free will.
And he whom Love touches not walks in darkness."
Of course the most popular story about cupid is his love for Psyche, and the "trials of Psyche", the seemingly impossible tasks imposed on Psyche by Venus as Psyche attempts to win back her love. Whew!
-Roman god of love
-cupid is latin for "desire" {cupido}
-son of Venus (goddess of love and beauty) & Mercury
-companion to Venus
-Cupid's brother was Anteros (the revenger of slighted love; also, the symbol of requited love/ - reciprocal affection)
-Cupid and Psyche (Greek word for "butterfly"; English word for "soul")
To the Romans Cupid was an innocent (a child), though sometimes mischievous and a "naughty boy". While the ancient Greeks believe he is the God Eros who was an older and more terrible god. Among the Greeks, not only Hermaphrodite but Eros too was in sex both male and female.Eros was no interfering child to the Greeks, but a powerful god to be feared and to entreat: his/her arrows burned with the fire of lust and madness as well as romance, at its worst capable of driving men and women to betrayal of their families or countries, to rape, to murder, to suicide... (There is the dark side of cupid, can't you see)
Later poets, writing of Cupid, remembered this more ancient interpretation:
"Evil is his heart, but honey-sweet his tongue.
No truth in him, the rogue. He is cruel in his play.
Small are his hands, yet his arrows fly far as death.
Tiny his shaft, but it carries heaven-high.
Touch not his treacherous gifts, they are dipped in fire."
Another good one from plato:
"Love - Eros - makes his home in men's hearts,
but not in every heart, for where there is hardness he departs. ...
he cannot do wrong...For all men serve him of their own free will.
And he whom Love touches not walks in darkness."
Of course the most popular story about cupid is his love for Psyche, and the "trials of Psyche", the seemingly impossible tasks imposed on Psyche by Venus as Psyche attempts to win back her love. Whew!
Cupid and Psyche
Ok now let me tell you a good one......
In closing, I will leave you with one story of a vengeful Cupid:
DAPHNE was APOLLO's first love, which was brought about not by accident but by Cupid's nastiness. Apollo, the god of music, was overjoyed with his triumph over Python. When he saw Cupid playing with his bow and arrows, he offended the young god by asking him to leave such weaponry to men worthy of them and commanded that Cupid not interfere with his armory. Annoyed by Apollo's insolence, Cupid unveiled two arrows of different workmanship from his quiver -- one to excite love, the other to repel it. With the repellent arrow, he shot DAPHNE, daughter of the river god PENEUS, and with the arrow of love, he shot Apollo through the heart. From that moment onward, the god was seized with love for the young maiden, while she loathed the thought of loving. His chase of her led them into a hysterical and frantic chase -- he on the wings of love, and she on those of fear. Her strength beginning to fail, Daphne begged her father (the river god) to alter her form and immediately she was transformed into a tree, to Apollo's despair.
There you go,,, you don’t want to mess up with cupid, you might end up like Apollo!!! So stop calling him stupid!!!
Have a lovefull day this valentines.

Stupid Cupid, you're a real mean guy (stupid cupid)
I'd like to clip your wings so you can't fly (stupid cupid)
I am in love and it's a crying shame (stupid cupid)
And I know that you're the one to blame (stupid cupid)
Hey hey, set me free Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
Can't do my homework, and I can't think straight (stupid cupid)
I meet him every morning 'bout a half past eight (stupid cupid)
I'm acting like a lovesick fool (stupid cupid)
you've even got me carrying his books to school (stupid cupid)
Hey hey, set me free Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
You mixed me up for good right from the very start
Hey, go play Robin Hood with somebody else's heart
You got me jumping like a crazy clown (stupid cupid)
And I don't feature what you're putting down (stupid cupid)
Since I kissed his loving lips of wine (stupid cupid)
The thing that bothers me is that I like it fine (stupid cupid)
Hey hey, set me free Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
You got me jumping like a crazy clown (stupid cupid)
And I don't feature what you're putting down (stupid cupid)
Since I kissed his loving lips of wine (stupid cupid)
The thing that bothers me is that I like it fine (stupid cupid)
Hey, hey, set me free Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me (stupid cupid)
Hey, hey, set me free Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me Stupid Cupid!!!
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