everybody loves the devil

Finally saw “The Devil Wears Prada” at Glorietta. I love the movie and the characters, Anne Hataway and the devil herself, Meryl Streep. I mean, yes Miranda, the character that Meryl streep portrayed was a “bitch” but it seems true that the more “bitch” you are, the more people would want to please you. I’m not saying it’s a good thing, cause, even if she makes everybody bow to her, and make everybody speachless whenever she says “That’s all…”, she’s still unhappy.
I must say that women would definitely enjoy the movie, the actors were great, the wardrobes are fantastic, it will definitley make you want to wear something extremely fashionable, Prada for instance. It’s not all that, you will definitely learn something from the story.
I watched the movie with my girlfriends, we really enjoyed it. After that, we had Mocca frap at Starbucks Greenbelt. Thanks Chuz, well, he just went there to pick up thets, and to buy us some frap, it was a girls night out afterall.
like i always say bitch stand for -b(eautiful) i(ntelligent) t(alentend) c(harming) h(ore-sans w, now...) so, there comes the benefits of being one...
I've not watched the movie, I'll pick it up this weekend. thanks for the recommendation. :)
pucca, are you referring to the movie or yourself :)
Maria, Nice acronyms, seem to fit me, :)
you'll like the movie, I'm sure.
hahaha, wel.. that wud depend on how you wud want to look at it...
Definitely a chick flick movie.
Ces, you're right, I think you will like the movie too, have you seen them?
ria - quick question, what is the name of the guy in this picture? the guy in green? he looks familiar...
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