francisco balagtas elementary school

The hallway of the main building, for grades 1 to 4, that room on the farmost end was the school clinic. I used to be a clinic aid. This floor used to be red.
The first picture is the way to the canteen, the second picture is the canteen, students do not go here to buy food, there are just 1 or two students assigned to get the "trays" of food and soup for the whole class and will just reimburse the money afterwards. That is our school uniform, white blouse and green skirts for the girls and white polo and khakis for the guys.
I've been up and down this stairs for some hundred times, this used to be a buffed stairs and the floors were polished that you can see your own reflection, look at it now, all murky, I think it's under renovation. I have a lot of memories from this stairs and hall way, we used to play 123 heaven onthe first picture.
I saw some of my old teachers and I said hi from afar, (since classes were going on) and they smiled back and waved. I saw Miss Munoz, my kindergarted teacher, and still a miss (she's a terror) and Mrs. Guttierrez, my science teacher in grade 5.
I wanted to take pictures of my classrooms but classes were going on. It was enough that I saw them again. I could still remember my classmates and even know where they were seated.
Going around this school brought back so many memories, I could even smell the June smell... you know, the plastic covers-papers-erasers-scent... the back to school aroma, kinda make me sick back then. :)
I know exactly what you mean. Going back to one's old school floods our memories and our hearts. I always try to do that exercise when I go home except I have been to so many schools...
The elementary school is always the best. However, my heart was crushed when I went to my nursing college. The tore down the old classroom and the dormitories located above the former morgue. We stayed up telling ghost stories and scared the hell out of our wits. My heart was broken when I saw old buildings decaying. These photographs of yours look like the buildings are well maintained.
The terror kindergarten teacher...that's funny now but I bet it was real when you were in her class.
Ces, sorry about your college building, we cannot do anything about their deterioration, even with regular maintenance; somehow, breaking down is inevitable. Whew! Morgue, that’s why I didn't take-up nursing, or medicine,. I get goose bumps already just passing one.
The terror teacher, I'm not kidding, even when I saw her, I was still a little afraid of her. While I was taking pictures, there were two students made fun of the pigeons in the ground, Miss Munoz went out, yelled and scared the hell out of the boys! I was shaking my head while laughing silently, afraid she might hear me.:)
trip down memory lane, huh? so what made you go back? do you think Ms Munoz would remember you? I had a teacher in college, Mr. Munoz (he was a cutie) do you think they are related? hehe! la lang naisip ko lang siya - Mr. Munoz, of course!
It's amazing that they are so miserable and nasty as teachers of young children. I know what you mean. We had one who hit us with a bamboo stick if we talked in class without being asked. Yikes! They were afraid of my parents so I did not get hit.
Maria, I went back there for ugin's b-day celeb. I think she remembers my face but not the name. Mr. Muñoz, I'm not quite sure, but if he's a terror, then they might be related. :)
Ces, maybe you're parents were politicians, or government officials, or very wealthy, that's sometimes the case. I had a teacher in grade four; she’ll hit a book on the head of students who didn’t do their homework. One time I missed to do homework, I wasn't spared.
No not at all. It's just that my parents did not believe that it was appropriate for teachers to hurt their students. Yang and Gorgeous, I actually started to write a post because your piece inspired me. I had cruel teachers - very cruel but my Mother especially, she did not appreciate teachers using corporal punishment. My sisters and I went to the same schools so if anything happened to us, they would hear about it and tell my parents. It is precisely that my Mother did not appreciate teachers who hit students of poor families or those who did not make donations.
wer r u ppl from?
i've been searching every year about fellow students that did attended fbes before, and i hardly found any.
i'm so happy that there are ppl out there that did attend my elementary school.
i'm surprise to see ms. munoz name here, and sadly she was my kindergarten teacher, however after seeing her throw a blackboard eraser at a student, i immediately went to my parents and asked for a transfer. after that, i was lucky enough that ms. garcia was the one that took over that role.
what year did any of you attended fbes?
after kindergarden, i got used to their diciplinary techniques.
if it's not the ruler in the palm of your hand, it's the squats, or even a flying blackboard eraser going towards you... oh by the way, i heard that this old school of ours burned down on july of 2007. any recent pictures??
ill post again.. i know this is almost two years old, but maybe there's a chance that someone stops by once in awhile.. till then
Just wanted to leave a comment. ney affirmation since I also went to this school (FBES '84)
Ms Munoz wasn't my teacher but I know her from way back. Yeah she was a real terror. She handled morning kindergarten classes then, I was in the afternoon class (with Ms. San Jose, god bless her soul)
But I got to know ms munoz later on as she was a fellow adviser in Cub Scout and Red Triangle Club where I became also an adviser in the same school. Tita Annie as we call her then was very caring to her children.
Sadly we will not be able to see the same views as these pictures as the school has been burned downed early part of this year. Only the new Building survived. The Main Building was completely burned.
They are building new building on site, but it wouldnt be the same.
I chanced upon this blog when I searched the school name and I am too are looking for old friends from the school
went home last december '08, i hate the fact that i was not able to pass by my old school. i did hear about the fire that burned part of our school. i believed that President Macapagal gave money so that they could renovate our school... planning to go home again next year, i really want to see our school, maybe look for my teachers. did you know that i used to live right in front of our school till i was 12, then left for the states. i heard that the sorroundings are full of squatters nowadays. even found 1 classmate on friendster, i doubt he still remember me. maybe i have better luck with the teachers at Balagtas.. when i started attending Balagtas, Ms. Munoz was my homeroom teacher, then one day she threw an eraser across the room towards a rowdy student, scared the heck out of me.. so i was transffered to Ms. Garcia's class.. She was the total opposite of Ms. Munoz. That was my memory then, maybe it will be different this time around. the flagpole used to be sorrounded my a pool of water covered with leaves, in which, i accidentally fell in and had to wash off bucked naked in front of my teachers and classmates.. sooo embarassing and funny. so much to say, but i'll save it for next time.. tekker
wow!! other FBES children?! i was in batch 2000... yeah what we are looking right now was the new buildings of FBES. almost the entire buildings were caught up by the fire!! my father was there when that happened and i happen to be there after the incident... that was terrible but still it was revived!
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